Beyond Creation


The Aura" - 2011

No Request For The Corrupted Coexistence Chromatic Horizon Omnipresent Perception Injustice Revealed Le Détenteur The Aura Social Disability Elevation Path The Deported

Earthborn Evolution - 2014

Elusive Reverence Sous la Lueur de L'Empereur Earthborn Evolution The Great Revelation Neurotical Transmissions Abstrait Dialog The Axiom L'Exorde Theatrical Delirium Fundamental Process

Algorythm - 2018

Disenthrall Entre suffrage et mirage Surface's Echoes Ethereal Kingdom Algorythm À travers le temps et l'oubli In Adversity The Inversion Binomial Structures The Afterlife


The Aura - 2011

-No Request For The Corrupted-

I am now attacked by someone corrupted
Suppressing I am, suffering I’m still
Is he what humanity is seeing?
As my own, I will cover my eyes
And say to myself;

Deliverance is waiting, deep inside my corpse
Betrayed, I will fight for the cause I see
No longer you're gonna stay free 'cause
I am the only reason for you to fear daylight!

An imperial pain is getting you now
You are your own victim
Still suffering, an imperial pain is getting you

Visions are decimated, this horizon is mine
What is entering in your eyes,
right to your bastard cerebellum? Is for sure a creation of fearless society
Fall on your knees, your pale face is exhumed to us
Divinity has rejected your request…cover up your head!

You are now attacked by people you left behind
Is this what you ever dreamed of?
Look how you ruined your life
You should have thought of the consequence
Now pay the price of your existence

Still suffering, an imperial pain, is getting you


When the universal darkness is covering the earth,
and hold us tight
Some spying eyes are drawn to the sky stuck upon it

Filled with interrogations
They are questioning about life:

What is the reason for our presence here?
And what can we do to prevent human mistakes?

When the first minute of the day arrives with this total silence
Some light crystal beams are penetrating the room
Delivering this darkness that doesn't show me
In which world of trouble we are living

Pressure, slaughtery, crime and monetary shit…

My eyes are opening to a totally different world!!
A seepage of flesh that awaits to be hacked up

Feeding your deadliest thoughts
Human of century
No more can I accept these lies

They are all standing there, without anyone talking and no reason to be heard
But life is so important! This life is yours
When someone chooses to take or give life
Many lives are resting on their shoulders
It's a choice to make, the way of life you'll take
So I wish you to take the good path!
If society can't accept itself,
how could it deal with each individuality
This nightmare must be overcome
This truth is for us!!
It's a scar that cannot be healed but it could be known
At this point, coexistence could be a scheme

-Chromatic Horizon-


-Omnipresent Perception-

Avoiding life
Searching for an
Unknown light
Make them realize
They're the masters
Of their lies

Locked in the abyss of their thoughts
Crushing the gate of their minds

They are searching in all this
Omnipresent perception
Omnipresent perception

Spiritual path
To fight deception, deception

With assimilation through dimension
Of this strange and malevolent self-resistance

Omnipresent perception
Omnipresent perception

-Injustice Revealed-

Worthless for some and prominent for those
Memories are now the only chance to progress
Surrounded one foot in the abattoir
Another bastard will govern us
Giving the script for the next game

Regression of existence will start

Fought to be the one
The one who showed from human misery
Pieces of reality
When lifetime seems to decelerate
And extinction appears to them, In the gray sky
To be the ultimate fee

A vision for liberty will take us to divinity
Leaving them in a painful sentence

From chaos to their last breath
Injustice will be revealed!

-Le Détenteur-

Tel un engrenage fragmenté
Fracturé comme l'homme et sa duplicité
J'ai les yeux rivés sur ce qu'est notre société

Immaculé sous son immensité

Différencier entre le bien et le mal et ces actes qui font mal!
Ces perpétuelles erreurs qui font de l'homme son seul détenteur
De l'humanité il est convoité
Pour dénoncer l'arrivée
D'une personnalité qu'il s'est créé
Pour une société, un visage/une image

Un visage à présage

Tel un engrenage fragmenté
Fracturé comme l'homme et sa duplicité
J'ai les yeux rivés sur ce qu'est notre société

Le temps ne cesse d'avancer
Et nous, en quête de destiné
Vivons sans trop penser
À ce que monde peut arriver

-The Aura-

Knowing your thoughts
Forecasting all slightest gesture
I am the Aura that guides you in every step of life
I'll make you feel what I like you to feel and taste

Now listen to these gusts of mechanical
torture that are irradiating all these people

Inhale this odor of rotten flesh
These canon fodder have been our fellow members
No more now than memories,
all of them have prayed and sweared for a man, a traitor
A tyrant that doesn't care much for humankind

Without fear and questioning, they have obeyed
to kill one another for a better world

Blood has flowed into the eyes of our distraught race

Our fragile existence is drowning in immorality
Reduced to slavery
No one can think of victory

How can these people think to have the key of life?
They are perpetuating all error with hatred

But always trust yourself and
I'll show you the path to stay alive
All we can dream is a new breed of human beings

-Social Disability-

Is it the end, or is it just me?
Will it happen that we’ll be set free?
Chaos is near: the fear of all fears

Shall we continue to hope when faith starts to bleed?

When truth isn’t told and still controls a fold…I feel blind
I’m questioning myself but I can’t find…

I try to dream but sleep took off
I felt not sure and went for a walk

It is the end and we are not to blame
We’ll feel free at last and the game will end
This game will end…

I feel like I’ve been told lies from the day I was born
Enacting a story that is not mine, is it enough of a burden?

I try to climb between the doubts that are surrounding my mind
I don't feel free and guess what; I don’t feel that I’m being me

-Elevation Path-


-The Deported-

Standing all alone in a deserted place,
I wondered where the clouds were
As wind became stronger,
I closed my eyes to what was coming there

Pushed and Tossed by an invisible force
Pitch black all around us

Something was falling from the sky

Crystal eyed flakes were floundering around
I don't know what they want,
but I fear what they might find.
In this world of misery
Crystal eyed flakes were floundering around
It is time to act in another direction,
In this world of misery

Are we the chosen ones?
If so, did we respect life itself?
Are we the chosen ones?
We’ll be deported to another world,
where creatures like us are toys for them

Standing in a humid place, where sorrows will surround us
My mates are crying their souls,
cursing their brains
Pushed and Tossed by visible corpses
A bright light is all around us

Earthborn Evolution - 2014

-Elusive Reverence-

We, the world,
exhausted souls, slaves from those paths
We've grown to become reflections of our souls
Physionomical creations
Philosophical imitations,

we learn, we trust but we'll never know
We'll never really know
Man behaves, in ecliptic situations
Forgetting this mind's progression we all worked for
Philosophical imitations,

we learn, we trust but we'll never know
We'll never really know
Human decline, universe phenomena
Protection of his own is pure evidence of inequality

Face yourself,
regarding this above criticalism perspective
These energizm
vibrations are powerful evolutions of itself
Pure power
Involving with this emergence perseverance
You've created an objective realization of your mind

-Sous la Lueur de L'Empereur-

Face contre terre,
épuisé et désemparé, tranquillement nous levâmes les yeux
Captifs de ce flot torrentiel,
continuel et éternel
De cette conception et opinion sans option ni progression
La condamnation de ce monde sans être
ni tête devenait notre seul exutoire

Pourquoi cette fausse adulation?
Un traître, un scélérat, miroitant
Dépouillant et engouffrant tous
rêves et réalité de tous et chacun
Laissant dans la peur et la douleur ceux qui n'ont pu résister
Sous l'ampleur de cette âme pernicieuse,
hostile et malveillante

Nous étudiâmes cette traître dévotion
Celle dans laquelle tant d'êtres
perdirent et rendirent leurs âmes
Sous prétextes d'honneur et de candeur

Au risque d'en souffrir ou d'en périr
Oeil pour oeil dent pour dent
Cette majestueuse entité sombrera
comme tous traîtres sombres dans l'ombre

Submergé dans la noirceur, éclipsé par sa lueur
Ayant peine à absorber les fractures et blessures
Décelant déjà une large cicatrice,
lui provenant d'un être autrefois vénéré
Ce demi dieu jadis trompé et écorché ne put continuer

De cette vision, nous garderons et précéderons à tout jamais,
cette espoir de gloire
Le souffle d'une victoire

-Earthborn Evolution-

Earthborn evolution has shocked equilibrium of biological species
As we create, we confine ourselves to mechanical torture
Deeper than imaginartion, mankind has been drowned in
A profound comatum

That will separate us from spiritual connectors
By avioding gravity that trapped us in atrocity
We'll find our way through the elevation path

-The Great Revelation-

Primitive expansion, lead by repulsion and obsession
Where the almighty comprehension is hidden by abstraction,
secrecy and illusion
Trading life and existence,
we're born and die running trough time
Hypnotized by synthetic realms,

desires and addictions
They told us we are a freedom society,
but are we psychologically free?

Taking souls to absolutions and expulsing
all judgments from logical solutions
Human has grown and served,
controlled by the heart,
directed by brain

Filling all these years
within momentum spheres
Perspectives have been floating in
For which cause we fought, at which price we won?

-Neurotical Transmissions-

From those regenerated particles,
anatomic molecules absorb this shell shock you've felt
Foreseen ending, affliction of elusive perspective
is just an illusion built from fear and emotional momentum
Fragmental pieces of timeline are now operating
your mental consciousness

From those regenerated particles
anatomic molecules absorb this shell shock you've felt
Foreseen ending,
affliction of elusive perspective

Fight to waive life's collapse,
you choose direction to oppose chaos creation

Brain's connections,
in transportation through heart
perseverance solutions appear to be
recognition in self re-establishment

Resumption of a new breath a new life

-Abstrait Dialog-


-The Axiom-

Fluid links,
filled from auto programmed patterns
Electromagnetical pulses running motion
thoughts through these schematical paths
We think, proceed and progress
regardless of understanding such phenomenon

Concur to this stratagem,

a theorem is born
Born from a slight despite,
the majority has served foresight
The logical state of the axiom

Whatever's needed, whatever's claimed
We follow the rules of mathematical evolution
Wreathed life's existence
We'll never cease to increase this progression
Enforcing vastness and power of human boundaries

Beyond those portals
As conquerors,
we search interconnections through those dimensions


Mais qu'est-ce que cette étrange atmosphère,
impétueuse sensation, tumultueuses vibrations
Une confusion s'installe,
brouillant les cartes du jeux
Un flash, un coup de poing en pleine face

Nous revivons durant cet instant,
l'écroulement de ce monde tel que nous l'eûmes connu

Mais qu'es-ce que cette étrange atmosphère,
impétueuse sensation, tumultueuses vibrations
Une confusion s'installe,
brouillant les cartes du jeux
Un flash, un coup de poing en pleine face

Victimes d'exaltation divisée,
dupés et écorchés sans vérité ni honnêteté
Ils assisteront maintenant à l'éveil de nos démons

Les protecteurs de nos actions

-Theatrical Delirium-

It's a big theatrical scene
we all take part in, we all play a role
Never know the pure reason and it's grand finale
We raise ourselves in emotions and
Play the game, whether we want to or not

-Fundamental Process-

Quantum hypothesis leading
those mystical superpositions to man's contemplation
We afford deviation and elevate ourselves
for science and progress
Unresolved quests
Wisdom is waiting amongst us for
conceptual diagrams to be revealed

As concrete designs,
we push harder
Search deeper and fear
of never to find an answer

Quantum hypothesis leading those
mystical superpositions to man's contemplation
We afford deviation and elevate
ourselves for science and progress
This is the endless vortex called life

Man has infused for centuries its
chronicle invasions with monuments
Advocating divinity and immortality
for the ancients
Spectral forces will remain
from the dead and lost souls

As concrete designs,
we push harder
Search deeper and fear of never to find an answer
But as far as we’re alive,
we're all part of this
experimentation for discovery
Searching the cure and key
to the unknown

Waiting for this frightening
light to scan all forethoughts
The weakness is about to emerge
You may be the one chosen to disavow
the inhuman non-presence

Algorythm - 2018



-Entre suffrage et mirage-

Qu’en est-il de nos valeurs
écartées par ces exterminateurs autodestructeurs
Nous entraînant dans cette fausse réalité
Nous plongeant dans une fosse aux rêves abimés

Courant vers une vision aseptisée
Plongés dans l’absence de nature éthérée
Nous cheminons à travers cette aberrante illusion
Entraînés par une ahurissante abjection

Nous représentons la peur qui nous rétracte
Nous éloignant toujours de nos actes
Manipulant nos propres désirs
Nous retenant de réagir

Qu’en est-il de nos erreurs?
De nos valeurs, conçues par la douleur

Nous enseignant qu’ici-bas
Les ambitions guident notre voie
Que nous sommes maîtres de ce tournant
Si envoûtant dont chacun rêve secrètement

N’oublions pas toutes ces décisions
Celles qui ont permis l’adaptation

De l’humain à réinventer sa progression
Prenez garde à ces imposteurs
à ces méphitiques exploiteurs
Et rappelez-vous vos valeurs
Car tôt ou tard le jour viendra
Le future s’imagera
Issu de nos ambitions d’ici-bas

-Surface's Echoes-

Made from the most highly complex matter
We've grown through time
Colliding progress with creation
Pushing boundaries of minds and physics

Impacting on each other’s life
On each other's destiny
We all imply our own ideology
Leaving behind us the aura of a man who once lived

Every decision we take
Every step we make
Every word we use and every rule we choose

Impacting on each other's life
On each other’s destiny
We all imply our own ideology
Leaving behind us the aura of a man who once lived

All our actions are impacting multiple dimensions
Which makes everyone unique

Even when our world explodes from the inside
We dream to believe
We work to achieve
We are the braves that stand and behave
Conquering our fears
Triumphing over tears
Overcome the obstacles and perceive our future

Perseverance is the key
Once you reach the summit you'll finally hear
Surface's echoes

-Ethereal Kingdom-

Alone among the living
Man is haunted by the knowledge of future
Because we have the sense of timev The means to count the hours

Days and years with precision
Yet despite this sensitivity and these techniques
Despite our plans and our predictions
The future eludes us
Impenetrable and secret

This deep rooted desire to anticipate
And control the future
Is probably as old as society itself

For the ancients the universe is a whole
Cosmological single living organism

A system of mathematical geometry
Attributing this correspondence
To the interactions and physical connections
Between the different celestial spheres
And the Earth


Tick tock we heard the clock regain
The pendulum has finally moved again
Inactive for so long
Dreams were confined to a generic delusion
Sinking into obsolescence
There was nothing left to inspire our subsistence

As the algorithm transcended
We can now redefine our progression
Embracing the uncharted
Abstracting the relics into oblivion

Everlasting minds
Please liberate the hidden light
And shine upon us
As we reinvent our contrivance
And fix this miscalculation

As the algorithm transcended
We can now redefine our progression
Embracing the unchartedv Abstracting the relics into oblivion

Gradually reconstructing our future
We’ll seek for new elements
To ascend the enigma of life
And unify our existence through earth and universe

-À travers le temps et l'oubli-


-In Adversity-

This has grown inside
Waiting to be bounded off for a millionth time
Tossing and shifting
Those primal energies have been fulfilling your mind

Slowly breaking the habits
You've been drawn in for so long
Time has come to expand your thoughts
And drift all visions to reality

Due to the ideological fear of our society
Predicted path have been leading your way
All starting from the same point, ending nowhere

Slowly breaking the habits
You've been drawn in for so long
Time has come to expand your thoughts
And drift all visions to reality

-The Inversion-

Awakening from a profound slumber
Cognitive motions strive to the same encounter
Slowly vanishing from the same beholder
Once again you are facing these fences
In these vast lands you must strive
Climb the barriers to evolve and thrive
We definitely need to expand the possibilities
To become the heirs of what is surrounding us

Complex variations, multiple designs
Let the nature collide
Transmitting its unique way through

Find the inversion from the breach
Visualise the absence of time

Complex variations, multiple designs
Let the nature collide

Transmitting its unique way through
Awakening from a profound slumber
Cognitive motions strive to the same encounter
Slowly vanishing from the same beholder
You will return to the earth
From the ground you were born

-Binomial Structures-


-The Afterlife-

The symbiosis of genetic molecules that transcends
Revealing memories of a previous life
I'm questioning myself about the secrets of an unknown theory
Towards a temporal spiritual displacement

Genetically modified organism
Brought to life by our own creations
Is a connection by science into time

Guided by the fear of extinction
To achieve an improbable prophecy
We are ready to sacrifice anything
In search of a place of survival for the human race

Biodiversity leads me to believe in an afterlife
That will eternally renew
As human to our change
Through time we'll remain

All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

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